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asked in Cloud Computing by (140 points)  
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When I am using the select statement to display my data in hive. It displays my data in scattered format. I want to add a delimiter so that when data is been displayed it should be in proper table format.
commented by (116k points)  
Your question is vague. Clarify it with an example.
commented by (480 points)  
Even when I'm also selecting any query, I'm also getting data in below scattered format not in proper table format.

Is it what your're asking for?

audi    v8      1092371.4167
mitsubishi      lancer  802800.5560
mazda           392644.0280
lamborghini             368726.7639
ford    escort  348085.0830
citroen xm      342516.2405
lamborghini     aventador       320291.0645
honda           280090.3007
bmw     z8      223893.0000
fiat    brava   178872.4219
commented by (140 points)  
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I have added more details to my question. Here, is the link to my screenshot:
commented by (116k points)  
It seems you did not define the right delimiter. You should take a look at some of your data rows to choose the right delimiter. For example, you need to add this to "create table" command if the fields are separated by a semicolon:

commented by (140 points)  
I did try this but it is not working for me.

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