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+1 vote
asked in Cloud Computing by (610 points)  
Hive is not enabled by default on GCP on Apache Zeppelin on Dataproc on GCP. How can we activate it?

2 Answers

+2 votes
answered by (480 points)  
selected by
Best answer

We can activate Hive interpreter by creating a new interpreter with some changes in the properties and dependencies

1. Set hive.url as

2. Remove username and password (keep them empty)

3. Set hive.driver property as:

4. Adding two artifact under dependencies tab:

You can watch this video for more explanations and code is here

0 votes
answered by (140 points)  
There are multiple ways to use Hive on Dataproc :

either using Hive jobs API

or Spark SQL.

But for activating it, I just  wrote hive as a command in SSH of master node and it started to work. It seems it is already in hadoop enviroment and does not need further activation.
commented by (116k points)  
This is not the requested solution

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