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asked in Artificial Intelligence by (120 points)  

I need some tool to classify articles based on short category text which consists of two or three words separated by '-'. The RSS/XML tag content is for example:

Foreign - News

Football - Foreign

I created my own categories in DB and now I need to classify categories from parsed RSS of this news source, so it fits news categories defined by me.

I would, for example need all articles containing category "football" to be identified as a category Sport but sometimes those categories XML tags contains exact match like Foreign - News should belong in the DB to category defined by me as Foreign.

Since I used only trained decision trees frameworks from AI so for another project so far, I would like to hear advice about probably AI based approach, technique or particular framework I can use to solve this problem. I don't want to get into a dead-end street by my own poor, in the field of AI not very experienced decision.

While it can be solved by many ifs and 'contains' function, it seems to me like not a very good solution.

TLDR; I need basically something like "clever, flexible and universal if-elseif".

NOTE: I can also use article description text, if that would be necessary but it seems to me that this former category text is  unambiguous enough for this kind of problem.


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