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asked in Statistics by (130 points)  
I apologize in advance if my question sounds too basic to be worthy of anyone's time, but statistics are not part of my curriculum.

I am developing a proof of concept of a web application modeling the contribution of individual soccer player with respect to the different teams they've played with throughout their career. In particular, I am looking into a way of ranking both individuals and groups of players as follows::

  • teammates relative strength: the best/worst combinations of players when playing in the same team in the same matches;
  • opponents relative strength: the best/worst combinations of players when playing in opposite teams in the same matches, i.e. which tuples of teammates are the best/worst against which;

I must admit I don't quite know how to approach the problem (as I said I have no formal education in statistics or data science). I would be very grateful  if anyone could give me some directions. How should I frame this particular problem and what resources in statistics or machine learning (if indeed this is a task fit for machine learning, perhaps I am mistaken on this) would be appropriate to tackle it?

I am eager to learn, so both practical examples or theoretical references (book chapters, online articles, etc) would be very welcome.

Thanks in advance!


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