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+5 votes
asked in Programming by (170 points)  
Can someone please provide detail instructions on how to install Anaconda and how to use Jupyter notebook with it ?

1 Answer

+3 votes
answered by (116k points)  
edited by

I recommend you use the Anaconda with Python 3.6.  To avoid conflicts, first, remove any other Python distributions you already installed.

You can take a look at the following video tutorials:

General Introduction from Lynda (here you can see how to use for free)

Anaconda on Mac: Jupyter Notebook Tutorial: Introduction, Setup, and Walkthrough (30 minutes)

Note: If you are installing on Windows, during your installation it asks you if it should be added to your PATH. I highly recommend you add it to the PATH as you can see both of the following boxes should be checked in installation:

If you already installed it and forgot to add it to your path, look at the following video to see how you can add Anaconda to the PATH after installation:

Anaconda on Windows 10: How to set PATH for Anaconda to run Jupyter Notebook from the command line (8 minutes)

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