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a) To calculate the Covariance Matrix you should take steps 1,2 and 3:

b) To calculate eigenvectors and eigenvalues see step 4. If you do not know how to calculate eigenvalues and vectors watch this video.

c) To calculate the PCs, we should first create the Transfer Matrix. The transfer matrix should be created by putting the sorted eigenvectors ([]), and sorting is descending based on absolute eigenvalues (|λi|>|λi+1|>|λi+2|>...>|λn|).
Eigenvalues are λ1=1.284028 and λ1=0.049083. You need to sort them based on their absolute value (ignoring the sign). It is important to know the eigenvalues could be negative, but you should consider their absolute value when you are comparing them. In this example, the absolute values of eigenvalues are the same as their absolute values, and |λ1|>|λ2|. Therefore, the transform matrix should be as follows: [v1v2] where v1 is the eigenvector for λ1 and v2 is the eigenvector for λ2.
Transfer Matrix=P=[v1v2]=[v11=−0.67787v21=−0.73518v12=−0.73518v22=0.67787]
Next step is multiplying the scaled dataset to the Transfer Matrix to calculate PCs:
The result matrix is shown below:

Explained variance of PC1=|λ2|(|λ1|+|λ2|)=1.284028(1.284028+0.049083)=96.32%
Explained variance of PC2=|λ2|(|λ1|+|λ2|)=0.049083(1.284028+0.049083)=3.68%
A more comprehensive solution is available here (or here).