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asked in Machine Learning by (116k points)  

The dataset with two features (x,y) is shown as follows (note y in this example is the second feature, not a target value):

x y
2.5 2.4
0.5 0.7
2.2 2.9
1.9 2.2
3.1 3.0
2.3 2.7
2.0 1.6
1.0 1.1
1.5 1.6
1.1 0.9

a) Calculate the Covariance Matrix.
b) Calculate eigenvalues and eigenvectors
c) Calculate all the PCs
d) How much percent of the total variance in the dataset is explained by each PC?


1 Answer

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answered by (116k points)  
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a) To calculate the Covariance Matrix you should take steps 1,2 and 3:


b) To calculate eigenvectors and eigenvalues see step 4. If you do not know how to calculate eigenvalues and vectors watch this video.



c) To calculate the PCs, we should first create the Transfer Matrix. The transfer matrix should be created by putting the sorted eigenvectors ([]), and sorting is descending based on absolute eigenvalues (|λi|>|λi+1|>|λi+2|>...>|λn|). 

Eigenvalues are λ1=1.284028 and λ1=0.049083. You need to sort them based on their absolute value (ignoring the sign). It is important to know the eigenvalues could be negative, but you should consider their absolute value when you are comparing them. In this example, the absolute values of eigenvalues are the same as their absolute values, and |λ1|>|λ2|. Therefore, the transform matrix should be as follows: [v1v2] where v1 is the eigenvector for λ1 and v2 is the eigenvector for λ2

Transfer Matrix=P=[v1v2]=[v11=0.67787v21=0.73518v12=0.73518v22=0.67787]

Next step is multiplying the scaled dataset to the Transfer Matrix to calculate PCs:


The result matrix is shown below:


Explained variance of PC1=|λ2|(|λ1|+|λ2|)=1.284028(1.284028+0.049083)=96.32%

Explained variance of PC2=|λ2|(|λ1|+|λ2|)=0.049083(1.284028+0.049083)=3.68%

A more comprehensive solution is available here (or here).

commented by (116k points)  
The above discussion was about eigenvectors, not eigenvalues. Eigenvalues should be found always the same as what you see. The eigenvector probably will be found parallel to the vectors shown in the example.

These two equations will calculate PCs (x',y') for zero centered values (x,y):
x' = -0.68x - 074y
y' = -0.74x + 068y.

But if you just want to keep one PC, the equations will be reduced to the following:

x' = −0.68x−0.74y
Therefore, for each zero-centered data point (x,y) we have (x'). The original space has 2 dimensions (features), but PCA space has just 1 dimension.
commented by (140 points)  
so the correctness in the eigen vectors is tested by the ratio between x1 and x2 values for the same lambda, is that correct?
commented by (116k points)  
Yes. For having the same result, we should set additional rules, such as choosing the unit vector as the representative of eigen vectors because you have infinite number of eigen vectors for each lambda.
commented by (116k points)  
A question is asked for clarifying the following step and why we chose e1 = [2.2,1].

The fact is [2.2,1] is just one of the eigen-vectors. For each eigen-value, we have infinite number of eigen vectors. Based on those equations, you can see for lambda = 2.36, vectors that their first elements are 2.2 times second elements are  considered as eigen-vectors. For example, [2.2, 1] or [1.1,0.5] or [-4.4,-2],.... Among all, we found one representative which is [2.2,1] and to have a normalized answer, we divided it to the magnitude of the vector.
commented by (140 points)  
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Thank you so much!