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+1 vote
asked in Discrete Mathematics by (130 points)  

In an assignment, I have the question :


“Based on this assignment, I can be more confident in myself.”

Show that the message is not/is corrupted based on the following two scenarios:

  1. The same message is received at the destination, and                                      (10 marks)
  2. the word “more” in the above message is replaced with the word “less”.           (10 marks)


What is this question asking? Perhaps it wants me to convert the message into a boolean expression? Even then, how can I show that its "corrupted" or not. 


1 Answer

+1 vote
answered by (360 points)  

The message is considered as "corrupted" if in the destination we do not have the same message. The question is quite simple I believe. Do not overthink :-)
