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asked in Human Computer Interaction by (340 points)  



1 Answer

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answered by (340 points)  

Creating an interactive performance on a computer requires heavy use of resources. These are categorized into four distinct sections:

1. Computational limitation

  • To have multiple tasks running requires a lot of computation power. If the time for tasks to complete takes to long, this forces users to wait until all tasks are completed creating frustration for users and loss of time.

2. Storage channel requirements

  • If the threshold of data being transmitted is saturated and tasks related to the storage medium is forced to wait, slowdown and bottlenecking may occur. Bottlenecking is where you have multiple tasks trying to access the same storage channel, it will cause everything to slowdown which would make the interactive experience less than ideal.

3. Graphics bottlenecking

  • If the computer does not have enough graphical horsepower to update the display, another bottleneck would occur. Interactive experiences heavily rely on graphics to guide users through the task they are trying to complete. An ideal solution would be to allocate more resources for graphic intensive applications by adding a stand-alone gpu to aid in graphics.

4. Network restrictions

  • Because files and data are transmitted over networks and not usually stored on local disks anymore, the need for a fast and reliable network is very important. If the interactive experience is being delivered over a network, this network must be fast as having for example, games streamed on a slow network could cause freezing and overall unpleasantness to the interactive experience.