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+2 votes
asked in Machine Learning by (1k points)  
I know Python and I am looking for the fastest way or a quick tutorial to learn how start using scikit-learn library.

1 Answer

+2 votes
answered by (116k points)  
edited by

Cheat sheet

There are plenty of tutorials out there, but first of all, you can take a look at this post about the whole roadmap to find the best estimator. The other article I suggest you look at it is Scikit-Learn Cheat Sheet: Python Machine Learning which contains the following cheat sheet (click here to download a printable version) as well.

scikit-learn tutorial for beginners

In addition to this cheat sheet, this scikit-learn tutorial for beginners, you will learn in an easy, step-by-step way how to explore handwritten digits data, how to create a model for it, how to fit your data to your model and how to predict target values. In addition, you'll make use of Python's data visualization library matplotlib to visualize your results.

