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asked in General by (120 points)  
So, I live in Brazil, and I have a task for college that I don't know what data science method to use, if at all, to solve it. My idea is the following: We Brazilians have Real (BRL) as currency, and we of course have the dollar quotation value to see "how many Reais a dollar is worth". What I wanted to do was to make a research and see whether the Country News have any influence over this price. So for example, if Bolsonaro, our president, says some dumb stuff, the dollar got up in price, and vice versa. What I wanted to do was collect all dollar values and variance over a set time interval, and try and get webscraping to get the news over some economy sites. Here's my question then: How can I correlate the news with the dollar variance over a set time? Can data science do that? How do I preprocess this, if at all? Do I need to use bag-of-words? At least I heard so... Please help and thank you for reading.

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