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+4 votes
asked in Machine Learning by (115k points)  

Suppose, you have given the following dataset where x and y are the 2 features and color Red or Blue is the target variable.

a) A new data point $x=1$ and $y=1$ is given. Using Euclidean distance in 3-NN, what you predict as the color for this data point?

x y Color
-1 1 Red
0 1 Blue
0 2 Red
1 -1 Red
1 0 Blue
1 2 Blue
2 2 Red
2 3 Blue


b) Now assume we have the following dataset and the target value is the price. A new data point $x=1$ and $y=1$ is given. Using Euclidean distance in 3-NN. What would be the estimated price?

x y Price
-1 1 $100
0 1 $50
0 2 $20
1 -1 $40
1 0 $30
1 2 $40
2 2 $70
2 3 $30

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered by (115k points)  
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Best answer

a) You can calculate the distances or simply visualize it:

(The code of above visualization is available here)

Based on the above visualization, 3 closest neighbors are blue points. Therefore, the predicted class is blue.

b) The 3 closest neighbors are data points: $(0,1,\$50)$, $(1,0,\$30)$, and $(1,2,\$40)$. Therefore, the estimated price is the mean of the target values $\frac{50+40+30}{3}=\$40$
